Intel RealSense D4xx
Intel RealSense D400 Camera¶
D415 and D435
Firmware Update¶
- Boot into Windows (sorry)
- Download the firmware update tool from the Intel website (
- Follow instructions on the site to install latest firmware
Force Hardware Reset on Startup¶
As of June 13 2018, the RealSense driver has a bug that after launching the realsense node once, the camera crashes and needs to be unplugged and plugged back in to work. This is a work around to force the camera to reset on startup so that it works.
Replace realsense2_camera_manager/src/realsense_node_factory.cpp
with this file
and replace realsense2_camera_manager/include/realsense_node_factory.h
with this file
Then rebuild your catkin workspace
Restart Depth Auto exposure¶
As of 6-1-18 the RealSense driver has a bug that it thinks the IR auto-exposure is turned on when it is not. This can be fixed by toggling the setting using
rosrun rqt_reconfigure rqt_reconfigure
first you will need to install the timed_roslaunch package from source and put it in your workspace
git clone
Then put the following lines in your launch file
<include file="$(find timed_roslaunch)/launch/timed_roslaunch.launch">
<arg name="time" value="4" />
<arg name="pkg" value="mapping_3d" />
<arg name="file" value="ir_exp_off.launch" />
<arg name="node_name" value="depth_auto_exp_off" />
<include file="$(find timed_roslaunch)/launch/timed_roslaunch.launch">
<arg name="time" value="5" />
<arg name="pkg" value="mapping_3d" />
<arg name="file" value="ir_exp_on.launch" />
<arg name="node_name" value="depth_auto_exp_on" />
<arg name="pkg" value="mapping_3d" />
to whatever package you put the following launch files in
Make two new launch files in your workspace called ir_expo_off.launch
<!--turn off Depth auto exposure-->
<node pkg="dynamic_reconfigure" type="dynparam" name="set_ir_autoexposure_off"
args="set camera/realsense2_camera_manager rs435_depth_enable_auto_exposure 0">
<!-- Turn on depth auto exposure -->
<node pkg="dynamic_reconfigure" type="dynparam" name="set_ir_autoexposure_on"
args="set camera/realsense2_camera_manager rs435_depth_enable_auto_exposure 1">
in the above files to rs415_depth_enable_auto_exposure
it is kind of a lame workaround, but at least it works.
Tips and tricks for better quality¶
The D435's optimal depth resolution is 848x480 and the D415's optimal depth resolution is 1280x720. The depth images will be the most accurate and least noisy at these resolutions. This link has some other tips for tuning for better performance