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UBLOX_read Documentation

========================== This package allows any Linux computer to interact with the ZED-F9P module.

UBLOX ZED-F9P hardware integration is found here.

Key Features

  • Cross-platform support
  • Runs headless in a terminal setting
  • Optional ROS integration


Stationary Base assumes no movement and can thus provide a very stable global position, which translates to high-quality RTK corrections sent to the Rover. The Rover outputs positional data at 10 Hz.

Moving Base is like a stationary base, but does not assume position is fixed. This generally results in heavier RTK computational solutions for the Rover. The Rover ouputs positional information at 5 Hz.

Brover is a moving base which receives RTK corrections from a different base. While this approach helps increase the accuracy of the moving base, it places much more computational strain on the Brover, causing it to subsequently send less messages to its Rovers.

Rover always has a Base that it listens to in order to receive RTK corrections. These corrections allow the Rover to compute its relative position to a Base with an extremely high degree of accuracy (standard deviations are around .025 m horizontally, and .1 m vertially)

Communication Protocols

The UBLOX GNSS module uses three distinct communication protocols

  1. [NMEA](#nmea-(National-Marine-Electronics-Association)
  2. [UBX](#ubx-(Ublox-Proprietary-Protocol)
  3. [RTCM](#rtcm-(Radio-Technical-Commission-for-Maritime-Services)

NMEA (National Marine Electronics Association)

See Section 4 of the Interface Description

UBX (Ublox Proprietary Protocol)

The computer configures settings on the UBLOX GNSS module via UBX protocol.

The module sends messages containing GNSS data back to the computer via UBX protocol.

These communications happen over a serial port.

Taken from UBLOX Interface Description: See Documentation and Citations

RTCM (Radio Technical Commission for Maritime Services)

The UBLOX GNSS Base sends its GNSS data to the computer in RTCM format. The Base computer then sends this data to the Rover computer, which is then forwarded to the Rover module via the serial port.

The Rover module then uses this information to calculate RTK corrections and achieve accurate relative position information. The relative position data is sent back to the Rover computer via the serial connections

Non-ROS Installation

  1. git clone
  2. cd UBLOX_read/
  3. git submodule update --init --recursive
  4. mkdir build
  5. cd build/
  6. cmake ..
  7. make -j8

ROS Installation

Given ROS is installed, 1. Make a catkin workspace if you don't already have one (mkdir catkin_ws) 2. cd catkin_ws && mkdir src 3. cd src && git clone 4. cd UBLOX_read 5. git submodule update --init --recursive 6. cd ../.. && catkin_make 7. source devel/

ROS Launch Files

Attention: Do not modify launch files in UBLOX_read. Only use them as templates for creating your own in a separate package.

A single node corresponds to a single module. All nodes must specify 1. serial_port: Serial port to connect to the module from the the computer. Defaults to /dev/ttyACM0 2. rover_quantity: The number of rovers the computer must send GNSS data from the module to. 3. local_host/local_host1: The name of the computer on the network. Usually just localhost 4. local_port: A port number over which UDP communication will occur. See Communication Protocols

Other optional parameters include 1. rover_host/rover_host1: The IP address of the Rover computer. 2. rover_port: The port number over which UDP communication will be received by the Rover computer. 3. base_host: The IP address of the Base computer from which the local computer recevies [RTCM](#rtcm-(Radio-Technical-Commission-for-Maritime-Services) correctional data. 4. base_port: The port number of the Base computer from which the [RTCM](#rtcm-(Radio-Technical-Commission-for-Maritime-Services) data was sent.

Tip: Theoretically N number of rovers can be initialized to a single base by counting up from rover_host1 to rover_hostN, rover_port1 to rover_portN, and any other given param.

Case Study: One Base + One Rover

Attention: Do not modify these launch files. Only use them as templates for creating your own in a separate package.

base.launch contains parameters for the base computer.

rover.launch contains parameters for the rover computer.

Case Study: One Base + Two Rovers

Attention: Do not modify these launch files. Only use them as templates for creating your own in a separate package.

mult_rov_base.launch contains parameters for the base computer.

mult_rov_rover1.launch contains parameters for the rover1 computer.

mult_rov_rover2.launch contains parameters for the rover2 computer

Case Study: One Base + One Brover + One Rover

Attention: Do not modify these launch files. Only use them as templates for creating your own in a separate package.

chain_base.launch contains parameters for the base computer.

chain_brover.launch contains parameters for the brover computer.

chain_rover.launch contains parameters for the rover computer.

ROS Messages

  • PosVelTime: GNSS Positional/Velocity Data given in LLA format with an accurate timestamp
  • PosVelEcef GNSS Positional Data given in ECEF frame. (Velocity is copied from PosVelTime message)
  • RelPos: RTK Corrected Relative Position of the module relative to its base (only output on rover)
  • RelPosFlags: Flags from RelPos Message
  • SurveyStatus: Information about Survey-in Parameters including current mean position accuracy (only outputs for a stationary base)


GNSS Positional/Velocity Data given in LLA format with an accurate timestamp

Data Type Name Description
Header header ROS Timestamp
uint16 year Year (UTC)
uint8 month Month, range 1..12 (UTC)
uint8 day Day of month, range 1..31 (UTC)
uint8 hour Hour of day, range 0..23 (UTC)
uint8 min Minute of hour, range 0..59 (UTC)
uint8 sec Seconds of minute, range 0..60 (UTC)
int32 nano Fraction of second, range -1e9 .. 1e9 (UTC)
uint32 tAcc Time accuracy estimate (UTC)
uint8 valid Validity flags (see below )
uint8 fixType GNSSfix Type
uint8 flags Fix status flags
uint8 flags2 Additional flags
uint8 numSV Number of satellites used in Nav Solution
float64[3] lla lat, lon, altitude (deg, deg, m)
float64 hMSL Height above mean sea level (m)
float64 hAcc Horizontal accuracy estimate (m)
float64 vAcc Vertical accuracy estimate (m)
float64[3] velNED NED velocity (m/s)
float64 gSpeed m/s Ground Speed (2-D)
float64 headMot deg Heading of motion (2-D)
float64 sAcc m/s Speed accuracy estimate
float64 headAcc deg Heading accuracy estimate (both motion and vehicle)
float64 pDOP Position DOP
float64 headVeh deg Heading of vehicle (2-D)


GNSS Positional Data given in ECEF frame. (Velocity is copied from PosVelTime message)

Data Type Name Description
Header header # Estimated ROS time at moment of measurement
uint8 fix fix type, see below
float64[3] lla deg, deg, m
float64[3] position m, ECEF frame
float64 horizontal_accuracy m
float64 vertical_accuracy m
float64[3] velocity m/s, ECEF frame
float64 speed_accuracy m/s


RTK Corrected Relative Position of the module relative to its base (only output on rover)

Data Type Name Description
Header header ROS Timestamp
uint16 refStationId Reference Station ID. Must be in the range 0..4095
float64[3] relPosNED NED component of relative position vector (m)
float64 relPosLength Length of relative position vector (m)
float64 relPosHeading Heading of the relative position vector. (rad)
float64[3] relPosHPNED High precision NED, the measurment portion less than a mm. (m)
float64 relPosHPLength High precision Length, the measurment portion less than a mm. (m)
float64[3] accNED Accuracy of relative position North component (m)
float64 accLength Accuracy of Length of the relative position vector (m)
uint32 accHeading Accuracy of heading of the relative position vector (rad)
uint32 flags See RelPosFlags
float64[3] arrowNED Difference vector from one rover to the other. (m)
float64 arrowLength Length of difference vector. (m)
float64[3] arrowRPY Roll/Pitch/Yaw from rover1 to rover2 (rad)


Flags from RelPos Message

Taken from UBLOX Interface Description: See Documentation and Citations


Information about Survey-in Parameters including current mean position accuracy (only outputs for a stationary base)

Data Type Name Description
Header header ROS Timestamp
uint32 dur Passed survey-in observation time (s)
float64[3] meanXYZ Current survey-in mean position ECEF coordinate frame cm
uint32 meanAcc Current survey-in mean position accuracy mm
uint32 obs number of position observations used during survey-in
float64[3] meanXYZHP Current high-precision survey-in mean position ECEF coordinate frame 0.1_ mm (Range -99...+99)
uint8 valid Survey-in postion validity flag, 1=valid, otherwise 0
uint8 active survey-in in progress flag, 1 = in-progress, otherwise 0

Configuration Key IDs

Configurations in the ZED-F9P recevier are indexed by key IDs. These keys are always little endian and 4 bytes (32 bits) in length.

Bit # Meaning
0-7 (Byte 1) ID within Group
8-15 (Byte 2) Reserved
16-23 (Byte 3) Group
24-27 Reserved
28-30 Size of Configuration Value
31 Reserved

The size of Configuration Values is represented by bits 28-30 as follows:

# Size of Configuration Value # Size of Configuration Value
0x01 1 Bit (Uses 1 Byte to Store) 0x04 4 Bytes
0x02 1 Byte 0x05 8 Bytes
0x03 2 Bytes

Example: CFG-RATE-MEAS is key 0x30210001. Its configuration value size identifier is given by second-to-left-most byte, which is 3. This translates to 2 Bytes (see table above). Its group name is given by the middle word RATE This group corresponds to the ID 0x21, which are digits 3-4 from the left. The next two digits 0x00 are reserved. The final two digits 0x01 represent the specific type within the group, in this case MEAS.

Some keys function as wild cards that can mean more than one configuration.

Wild Card Key ID Group Wild Card Key ID Group
0x0fff0000 All 0x00c7ffff RINV
0x0024ffff GEOFENCE 0x0031ffff SIGNAL
0x00a3ffff HW (Hardware) 0x0064ffff SPI
0x0051ffff I2C 0x0079ffff SPIINPROT
0x0071ffff I2CINPROT 0x007affff SPIOUTPROT
0x0072ffff I2COUTPROT 0x0003ffff TMODE
0x0092ffff INFMSG 0x0005ffff TP
0x0041ffff ITFM 0x00a2ffff TXREADY
0x00deffff LOGFILTER 0x0052ffff UART1
0x0025ffff MOT 0x0073ffff UART1INPROT
0x0091ffff MSGOUT 0x0074ffff UART1OUTPROT
0x0014ffff NAVHPG 0x0053ffff UART2
0x0011ffff NAVSPG 0x0075ffff UART2INPROT
0x0093ffff NMEA 0x0076ffff UART2OUTPROT
0x0022ffff ODO 0x0065ffff USB
0x0021ffff RATE 0x0077ffff USBINPROT
0x0078ffff USBOUTPROT


Access configuration settings on the ZED-F9P module via [UBX protocol](#ubx-(Ublox-Proprietary-Protocol)


Template: rosservice call /base/CfgValGet <layer> <position> <keyID> <filepath>

<layer>: The layer to request configuration from. Usually 0

# Layer
2 Flash
7 Default

<position>: How many key values to skip before responding. Usually 0

<keyId>: Key ID of the requested configuration value. May be in hexadecmial (prefix with 0x), decimal (no prefix), or binary (prefix with 0b) format.

<filepath>: Global path for writing the response to a text file. If the file does not exist, one is created. If the file already exists, its contents are overwritten by this service. Usually ''


CfgValGetAll: Gets every configuration setting from the module Template: rosservice call /base/CfgValGetAll <layer> <position> <filepath>


The module returns a vector of Configuration Data, which is constructed as follows

version Always 1 layer Layer data came from--matches request layer position Number of key values skipped before output keyID keyID returned keyName Name of keyID returned data Configuration Value

The module also returns ack: The receiver acknowledged the request nack: The receiver did not acknowledge the request gotcfg: Received configuration value


Delete configuration settings.


Template: rosservice call /base/CfgValDel <layer> <keyID>

<layer>: The layer to delete configuration from.

# Layer
4 Flash

<keyID>: keyID of the configuration value to be deleted. May be in hexadecmial (prefix with 0x), decimal (no prefix), or binary (prefix with 0b) format.


The module returns ack: The receiver acknowledged the request (you may assume the configuration was deleted) nack: The receiver did not acknowledge the request (the configuration was not deleted)


Set configuration settings.


Template: rosservice call /base/CfgValGet <layer> <keyID> <cfgData>

<layer>: The layer to set configurations

# Layer
4 Flash

<keyID>: keyID of the configuration value to be set. May be in hexadecmial (prefix with 0x), decimal (no prefix), or binary (prefix with 0b) format.

<cfgData>: The configuration is set to this value


The module returns ack: The receiver acknowledged the request (you may assume the configuration was set) nack: The receiver did not acknowledge the request (the configuration was not set)


Resets the configurations on the module.


Template: rosservice call /base/CfgReset <uint16 navBbrMask> <uint8_t resetMode>

<navBbrMask>: BBR sections to clear.

Special Codes Meaning
0x0000 Hot Start
0x0001 Warm Start
0xFFFF Cold Start

Taken from UBLOX Interface Description: See Documentation and Citations

<resetMode>: Reset Type

# Reset Type
0 Immediate Hardware Reset (Watchdog triggered)
1 Controlled Software Reset
2 Controlled Software Reset (GNSS only)
4 Hardware Reset after shutdown
8 Controlled GNSS stop
9 Controlled GNSS start


Responds with a translation of navBbrMask into boolean values


Gets software and hardware versions of the module


string softwareVersion string hardwareVersion string[] extension contains extra information. See UBLOX Documentation for more details

UBLOX Documentation and Citations


A special thanks goes to James Jackson, Matthew Rydalch, Taylor Pool: UBLOX_read Code Development