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VTOL AirSim Quickstart Guide

This guide is for running a simulation of a tiltrotor VTOL vehicle inside a prebuilt binary of the CityBlocks world - a custom world modified for AirSim by the MAGICC Lab. The driving script, complete with trajectory generation, controllers, and an AirSim client, is, located in the vtolsim repository.

Here is what you will need to do to run the script

  1. Download the latest CityBlocks zip archive here and unzip it to wherever you like
  2. Create a file at ~/Documents/AirSim/settings.json - or modify it if it already exists - with the following settings (see the example settings.json below):
    • "SimMode": "Vtol"
    • a vehicle with "VehicleType": "vtolsimple"
  3. Clone the BYU-MAGICC fork of Airsim somewhere - or
  4. If you haven't already, create a python virtual environment specifically for AirSim (it will make everything simpler for AirSim)
    • e.g. python -m venv ~/.virtualenvs/airsim
  5. Activate your AirSim virtual environment
    • e.g. source ~/.virtualenvs/airsim/bin/activate
  6. cd into AirSim/PythonClient and run pip install -e .
  7. Now clone vtolsim: git clone --recursive
  8. cd into vtolsim/geometric_controller
  9. In another terminal session, start running <path to CityBlocks dir>/LinuxNoEditor/
  10. Now you can run python and it should fly the trajectory.

Example settings.json:

  "SettingsVersion": 1.2,
  "SimMode": "Vtol",
  "ClockSpeed": 1.0,
  "LogMessagesVisible": false,
  "Vehicles": {
    "uav0": {
      "VehicleType": "vtolsimple"


  • Lower the ClockSpeed setting if your machine is struggling to run vtolsim + AirSim.
    • e.g. "ClockSpeed": 0.6 to run the simulation at 60% real time
  • Set LogMessagesVisible: true if you need that, but having it off is better for recording video.